Thursday, December 2, 2010

Guided Reading/Small Groups

Guided reading/small group lessons occur when the teacher works with a small group of students to help improve reading. The teacher guides them in reading a particular text. These lessons allow the teacher to work more personally with the students. From doing this lesson, I learned how working with small groups can make a big difference in a child's understanding of text.

Reading Street – Unit 2, Week 5, Day 1

• The students will activate background knowledge about our country, President, and the White House.
• The students will learn vocabulary relevant to “Welcome to Washington.”
Evaluation: Tell how you will evaluate each objective.
• I will examine background knowledge by watching students complete the K of a KWL chart.
• I will observe students complete fill-in-the-blank on powerpoint.

• Smart Board
• KWL Chart
• Reading Street Books.

Whole Group Instruction:
1. As a class, we will complete a concept web on the U.S. Government using the Smart Board.
2. I will then allow students to complete the K and W of a KWL chart about the White House and share as a class.
3. We will then examine a power point with the vocabulary words and their meaning.

Independent Activities:
1. Students will do pages 93 and 94 in their Reading Street workbooks.
2. They will then complete the Write to Read activity on page 240.
3. Students will then write a narrative on how they would create their own dream government.

Small Group Plans for Day 1.

Group 1
Title of Text: ”Meet the United States Government”_
Author: Joshua Nissenbaum
Level: on-level

Strategy/Skill Focus:
Developing Concept Vocabulary

Vocabulary(Word Work Focus):
Howling, humble, politics, responisibility, solemnly, vain, Constititution

Extension Activity:
I will have the students create a three column chart with the headings Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. I will then allow students to fill out facts that they have learned about each branch of government.

Group 2
Title of Text: ”A Trip to the Capitol”
Author: Sharon Franklin
Level: Below -Level

Strategy/Skill Focus:
Reinforcing Concepts

Vocabulary(Word Work Focus):
Constitution, howling, humble, politics, responsibility, solemnly, vain

Extension Activity:
I will assign pairs of students do a flow chart about the three branches of government, how they work, and who works in each branch.
Group 3
Title of Text: “The Power of Our People”
Author: Ellen Sutherland
Level: Advanced

Strategy/Skill Focus:
Extending vocabulary

Vocabulary(Word Work Focus):
Amendments, Bi-cameral, compromised, confederation, politics, ratified, representatives, responsibilities, sovereignty, unanimously

Extension Activity:
Students will then work on the “Now Try This” Activity on pages 22-23 of their book.
Small Group Plans for Day 2

Group 3
Title of Text: “The Power of Our People”
Author: _Ellen Sutherland Text Level: Advanced
Group: On-Level

Strategy/Skill Focus:
Extending vocabulary

Vocabulary(Word Work Focus):
Amendments, Bi-cameral, compromised, confederation, politics, ratified, representatives, responsibilities, sovereignty, unanimously

Extension Activity:
Students will then work on the “Now Try This” Activity on pages 22-23 of their book.

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